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I feel like there are some films that every citizen is obligated to go see. At least in a sense of keeping up with culture and new art. A say culture because these things aren't just "pop culture" anymore, it's what we talk about, these entertainments influence us, they are a modern art. Similar to how people in the Victorian years would go to the opera to see what's new, what sights and sounds to experience.
Odd to say that, especially about a live action Disney remake. What happened to the days where Disney kept trying to make these live action reboots and no one cared? I was honestly shocked that the fifth attempt at Jungle Book actually succeeded so well.
Then we have Beauty and the Beast, the ticket sales impressively took a long time to drop, the movie literally made over one billion. An absolutely success that guarantees another ten more live action remakes. There have been director choices already made for a: Lion King, Mulan, Aladdin.
Honestly I want to see a new Nightmare before Christmas, I think that'd be the only way they could remake it and gain approval from fans.
So I saw B&B, extremely late because I dedicated money to Guardians of the Galaxy 2 which is personally more important to me. BUT, I did want to see Beauty and the Beast before red box and not online, so we waited for the cheaper theater to show it.
WORTH IT. I wasn't entirely sold on Emma Watson, but other people love her and thinks she was perfect so whatever. I didn't dislike her and I will give her credit for actually singing in the movie. The beast is very likable, the actor has fantastic comedic timing while talking. The furniture is kind of creepy, at least the wardrobe was just terrifying looking.

To be constantly reminded that they need Bell to upset their curse was unnecessary to me, but it wasn't too annoying. I mean they were collateral that forced her to awaken some sympathy to give her environment and the beast a chance. So it's fine.
All the dialog was perfect, there are some new songs that no one cares about The story gives more depth so stuff makes a little more sense. What happened to Bell's mother, why was the Beast such a brat, and Gaston's motivations are COMPLETELY fleshed out.
To me, the scenes of Gaston and La Fou were absolutely the best. I loved their chemistry, I found myself getting excited every single time they came on screen. I laughed the most during their scenes, best two characters of the movie to me. Also their 'No One Like Gaston' song was the best song in the movie.
Every scene has a purpose nothing really of waste, however, I did think the scenes with Bell's father were boring. I mean they would kind of dragged on, which were the only times I woke up and realized I was in a theater again.
Ian Mckellen (Magneto, Gandalf) cameos as the human cog's worth at the end unthrilled to meet his wife again, just a great little gift there.
The only thing that disturbed me or made me cringe was this romance:
I mean what the actual fuck.

Why does the feather duster have to look like a bird, it makes their romance kind of disturbing.
It's entirely worth seeing, it's a must see. I don't think you'd be able to function as well in our society without seeing it at least once. It's like not having seen Frozen while all this merchandise and referencing floods everything around you.
Yet I must say, this one has better taste than Frozen and I can see myself actually re-watching Beauty and the Beast.
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