The razzies are a annual awards ceremony, one where the years worst picture is selected. This article provides predictions for this coming year's worst picture.
Last year the razzie officially went to Batman V.S Superman, don't believe me, google it.
MovieDemon predicts the top worst movies, if not by ticket sales then by failed expectations, will be the following:
Justice League
Dark Tower
This would mean a really bad year for Stephen King, or a new record for a studio to receive two razzies in a row being DC-Warner Brothers.
Now you might be angry with me, you might be telling me to shut up and give stuff a chance.
This is just a thoughtful prediction.
Let's start with Justice league. So far every single movie in the DCU has obtained a rotten grade by rotten tomatoes.

As you can see there has always been a major rift between the critics and the fans, but the fans couldn't save Batman V.S Superman from winning a razzie. The funny thing is each of these movies were major major cash cows, they just weren't highly acclaimed. Yet you see here there is a trend, and imagine getting ready to see Suicide Squad for it's big opening and you see this:
I still went opening night, but some people may actually wait if they see something like this. Please understand me, I'm not a DC hater, I saw BVS and Suicide Squad opening night, but you have to admit they have a serious problem going on.
Now looking at the JL trailer, I personally hate the director because he makes everything look gaudy like his other creations, Watchmen and 300. That may just be me though.
The dialogue doesn't scream great but the costumes are cool.
The thing that kills me, that really cements this prediction for a razzie is how awful the CGI looks. The backgrounds, especially the CGI disposable army they fight or drive the bat mobile through. It just looks baaaad to me. Considering how bad the disposable army looked in Suicide Squad, I don't have much faith.
Worse, the directors are filming these sequels way too fast. They had already filmed Wonder Woman before Suicide Squad came out, too late to work with creative criticism. I mean they have gone back and did some reshoots for SS after the release of BVS, but it was for the most part already too late.
I think Wonder Woman might offer a stable foundation, with a singular focus, but I feel like JL is going to resemble the same mess similar to Suicide Squad, so it might be a fun mess at least.
Just no more Marthas, or you might as well bet on another razzie.
Stephen King's It, how do you fuck up Stephen king so bad? It has already been admitted to be filled to the brim with jump scares, the cheapest form of horror. Forget the cool creativeness, effects and genuine creepiness of the original It. We are in for a: silence cue, sharp nose/music, "oogie boogie boogie" formula. Don't believe me, check out the very end of this trailer:
One based on the promise of jump scares and how hard the clown's appearance is trying/failing to be creepy.
I honestly thought a very traditional looking clown, the every man clown like in the original was way creepier.
If the critics give this thing a fresh it'll be alot like Ghost Busters 2016, the movie goers will sink it.
The Dark Tower's first trailer has already disappointed the readers of the novels. In most comment sections it's said that the movie is going to act as a piss poor summary of multiple books, one which has completely forsaken a lot of development and important plot lines.
Many people have a issue with the casting of the Gun Slinger.
The reverse of the Iron Fist, Ghost in the Shell controversy.
I don't know, I've always thought Idris Elba has been bad-ass in the Thor series.
But honestly the trailer just bores me, does it bore you?
The only interesting part seems to be the villain, but I mean Matthew McConaughey can make anything look salvageable. Also the line, "I kill with my heart" might mean good writing is in play.
Again the reason why I choose this over something like the Valerian movie (which will either be a surprise hit or silently come and go) is because the Dark Tower has a massive fan base that already has high expectations.
The bigger the expectations, the greater the sense of failure if the movie bombs, as well the greater amount people who will talk about it's short comings into a deep grave.
All I can say is good luck to all three of these movies.
I think Dark Tower may skate by, but who knows, maybe Pirates 5 will claim a razzie with it's last installment.
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