The movie actually did that well with critics?
Sometimes life throws you a curve ball. Don't get me wrong, I personally want to attend Ghost in the Shell just to support the idea of live action animes being made in America. For example, Keanu Reeves has been planning a Cowboy Bebop film where he himself would play Spike. I want to see this, So while Ghost in the Shell is a very intelligent anime, I'm really only backing it to help pave the way for other series.
With that said, I've had extremely low expectations. Ever since I heard Scarlett Johansson was playing the Major and witnessed the uber amped up visuals of the first trailer I didn't form high hopes. The robot geishas are cool and so is the city, but the thing just screams to me all style and no substance. For example, Batou looks off like a pretty boy, and Daisuke looks like a final fantasy character.

I truly fear all the brilliant philosophy will be flushed down the drain for this one, at the very least maybe with a pg-13 rating it will be kept tasteful. Stand Alone Complex had questionable writing at times and well look at the freak'in outfit.
I know the whole series wasn't like that, she had trench coats and ect, but I'm glad at the very worst Ghost in the Shell 2017 portrays her in a rubbery chameleon suit instead of nudity like in the original.
That might just be my opinion, but I don't want to be embarrassed trying to defend this movie like I have been with The Fifth Element.
Regardless I'm getting a ticket with a little more hope now, I mean I honestly expected like a 12% rating. I most look forward to the spider bots, what are you excited for?
Please follow MovieDemon. We'll be reviewing this film at it's release if you're interested.
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